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Birth Charts


Sun, Moon & Rising Signs

horoscope chart
Birth Chart, sun, moon, rising chart

Have your Sun, Moon & Rising Signs created for you or someone special.

With just a first name, your birthday & your time of birth ... We at Art-life-Etc. will create your easy to read.... totally inspiring.... birth chart. Great for parents of new babies to gather an insight to their precious bundle of joy.

For people that are into Horoscopes, Astrology & or Spiritual Growth, this Birth Chart will not only give them a beautiful art poster but help with understanding the energies that propel them through life.

This beautiful piece comes with a small description of the aspects of the energies for your sun, your Moon & your Rising Sign 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                   14.95 PER CHART



If you are anything like me, you may have concerns with giving your full birthday. You do not have to worry as you will give an alias first name for the chart.

I will not ask or use your last name. 

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