* Harnessing the whispers of yesterday, I conjure art from the dust of cherished souls.
Spiritual Artist, Medium, Teacher


Connecting to Spirit & my Guides enables me to use my artistic gifts in a beautiful creative way.
I am able to draw someone that is connected to you to prove that there is life after what we call death in hopes that it gives some comfort to all that are still on the earth plane.
This can be accomplished using Zoom or Facetime. A digital copy will be emailed to you where you can print them for your enjoyment.
Along with the drawing is a combination of a Tarot card reading and a mediumship reading supplying life advice for you.
The Spirit world is always bringing you their continued love and support from the unseen world & providing any messages that they have to share with you.
This reading will provide you with guidance, validation, clarity and comfort for whatever you are going through at this time.
FB: @artlifespiritetc.
INSTAGRAM : @artlifespirit

This young man passed and even though he is not wearing a hoody in the picture on the left he wore a hoody alot.

Testimonial :
Thank you so much for the amazing psychic art reading. I have never had a reading with a psychic artist 1 on 1 before & was blown away that, not only did you do an amazing picture & let me watch the face unfold BUT you gave me an in-depth reading that went with the man in the picture.
I love how comfortable yo made me feel & how you explained everything so clearly & kindly, answering all my questions with so much dedication & care.
Thank you again for picture & reading. It was lovely to feel Spoilt & Special.
Much Love Victoria

This is Ed: Your loved one often comes much younger than when they passed - as did this gentleman - The client still recognized him straight away.
Pencil Drawing with messages
2 Oracle Cards, 1 Soul Card - 75.00 ca
Pen & Colour Drawing with messages
2 Oracle Cards, 1 Soul Card - 95.00 ca
Pencil Spirit Portrait Drawing with 1 Totem Animal drawing - receive messages from both plus
oracle & soul card messages - 155.00 ca